Thursday, July 26, 2007

Donny gets a bad press...

Old news this seeing as it was filmed about 20 years ago, but I happened across an episode of Blackadder last night. The following dialogue ensued...

Baldrick: [re: Edmund's unattractive bride-to-be] Why not make her believe you prefer the company of men?
Prince Edmund: But I do, Baldrick, I do!
Baldrick: No, I mean... the intimate company of men.
Prince Edmund: You don't mean... like the Earl of Doncaster?

Shocking. I didn't know that was a gay bar.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


OG, I've some bad news. The 'Homo Disco' club night at the Earl that you went to several times and recommended to us all was not intended for those of a heterosexual persuasion.