Friday, May 26, 2006

The beautiful game...

A bespectacled Jimmy Somerville informs me that there was a Leeds vs. Manc office football match recently. Did the goals dry up for the Manchester team in my absence? Was Lunt on the losing team again? Match report please...


Hotstuff said...

I didn't play this year. Partly because of the hassle I got from certain players after a few admittedly questionable bits of goalkeeping at the last one - apparently the second worst display in a Watson Wyatt game ever. Went to Edgbaston and dressed as a girl instead - see blog when I get round to updating it.

Just had a disappointing result. Was playing with my ma's dog and he jumped up and tried to bite the flat football I was holding and accidentally bit my belly. I've now got a bruise on the bottom left part of my six pack.

Hotstuff said...

OG - Just noticed that Squiz has excelled herself....

Owen said...

I read that she'd been dumped, but can't find out if there's been anything further due to my work blocking access to the site. They cite bad language for some inexplicable reason.

Hotstuff said...

The golden post is below. I'm beginning to think the blog's a wind up though.


Well I have decided to get rid of all the drugs in my life....except the occasional joint. I have stopped hanging around those who do drugs more than occasionally.

This means goodbye to all my friends. Even my bestfriend. Unfortunately I don't want to hang around people who do drugs all the time and my friend is starting to get more and more into her old crack habbits. So this is my goodbye to you, I will always love you but we can no longer be friends. Buh bye

Mark Millward said...

do you reckon Pete Doherty has a blog?

Sat 27 May

Woke up at 1pm. Had three cracks and four heroins. Had a court appearance, got let off with community service if I promised to be a good boy. Had two more cracks. Fell asleep

Sun 28 May

Woke up at 8pm. Got caught in possession of a knife and some cocaines in my car. Oops. Went to a gig. Had four cracks and one or two heroins, I can't remember. Fell asleep on stage

Mon 29 May

Woke up at 11am. My agent ringing me to say I'm in the papers again but I shouldn't worry about it, something about selling more records and "any news is good news given Babyshambles are far worse than the Libertines". Had a bit of a cry, then went out for a walk. Got found breaking into my best mates house. Had a hearing in front of the magistrates, now have a slapped wrist. Had four cracks and three heroins. Got a bit of a headache. Went to sleep

Tue 30 May

Woke up at 5am. Wrote a song. It's not bad. Nearly as good as libertines stuff. Took me nine cracks to think of the words, though I have now forgotten them. Need to go shopping. Must remember to buy some balsamic vinegar, a new pork pie hat, a tie and some more heroins.

Owen said...

You're not a big Pete Doherty fan are you Mhouse?

Mark Millward said...

not that i don't like him as such, i just don't like what he has become. i also don't like the fact that his managers/friends/allies have allowed himself to get more embroiled in it.
