Saturday, January 05, 2008

UK Trip - penultimate post

I'm currently sat at my parents house, relaxing, no running off to various parts of the country for a drinking binge, just waiting for a home cooked meal to be prepared for one of the last times before I head back to NZ.

So why not spend this quiet family time with a quick (yeah, right) post?

First of all, thanks to everyone for making Jo feel so welcome on her first trip over to the UK. It'll hopefully be her first trip of many so it's been good for her to have a better impression of the British people than the 2 nutters screaming at her gave. Boz and Breeny really need to learn some manners.

She's in Paris at the moment but I think she'll allow me to speak for both of us when I say that it's been a great trip. I haven't been able to see everyone and those I have seen I haven't seen enough of, so sorry about that.

It's been a bit of an eye opener - I don't think we'll want to be doing a 3 week trip every 2 years. There's too much to cram in. I also don't want to move back to England, I enjoy New Zealand too much. So it seems there are 2 options...

1. Persuade all my family and friends to move to New Zealand or, if need be, Australia.

2. Make an annual trip back to England.

I'd better make sure my business is successful then...

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