Thursday, November 30, 2006

Bowling in pictures

Rob lets rip...

and is gutted I wasn't filming...

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Hotstuff said...

What's the point in flattening and mowing the grass nicely and not letting people walk on it if you're going to put a sheet of plastic over it then?

Owen said...

The plastic is covering the area you bowl from which they put down after it's been raining.

An interesting observation Lunt. Thanks.

Hotstuff said...

But you've bowled onto the plastic bit. Surely it affects the roll.
You need to watch where you're jacking off*.

* (c) Haysie

Owen said...

They have the plastic bits at both ends. It probably does affect the roll slightly. I tend to apply a hint of check side to compensate*

*(c) Mr Bullsh1tter