Sunday, December 03, 2006

Weekend fun...

It'd been a while since me and Rob went out and got ratted so on Friday night that is what we did.

Nothing fancy, a few beers and a few vodkas before heading off to town to meet up with Miller, Casey and a few of Miller's work cronies. We ended up in Lenin, again, where Rob saw a famous person. I didn't recognise her at all.

Me, Casey, Rob and Miller. We're drunk...


Rob meets NZ pop sensation Aaradhna...

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Anonymous said...

WOW I thought Aradnha was taller than tat.

Hotstuff said...

Did this lady choose her name so that when equal with someone else in the charts who had sold ten records, she'd be higher up?

I’m going to download a track of hers when I get in to confirm she’s as rubbish as I'm sure she is.

Mark Millward said...

intersting fact, that i'm sure alice will either back up or dispute.

the front man of the band eels calls himself "e". he called the band eels because he mistakenly thought that if he ever did a solo album it would be next to eels albums on record shop shelves.

he has obviously never heard of earth wind and fire, the eagles, etc.

Hotstuff said...

He should have called himself eelrzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.

Owen said...

She's actually pretty good. For what she is.

Maybe wouldn't be quite to your death rock tastes Lunt but you may be surprised.

Hotstuff said...

Just downloaded the title track to her latest album - a song called 'I Love You'. Next time I see you you're getting the slap you deserve.

MWard - any thoughts on the said track? The 'owwww' in the background mirrored what my eardrums were saying.

alicerachel said...

1 2 3 testing testing...

alicerachel said...

Joy of joys, finally I can post again after 2 weeks out in the Blogger wilderness for some inexplicable reason.

MM - I have to say that I thought that he called himself E because that's how he was known at school. There were a few Marks in his class so he was known as Mark E, which eventually just became E.

So which artist would be at the front of the musical alphabet then? Any advances on Aaliyah?

Owen said...

Oh yeah, forgot about that I Love You track.

Now that is painful... not quite my kind of music.

I'm sure she's had a good one though. Maybe not. The NZ Top40 doesn't get a massive amount of attention from me, unless I'm feeling particularly Emo or need a quick blast of Chamillionaire.