Monday, December 18, 2006

The weekend...

I tried to make it a quiet one, I really did. But as I was lying on the sofa on Friday evening, letting my dinner digest and watching the cricket I got a call from Miller to say I was to be picked up in about 10 minutes.

We went to the Northern Steamship to meet a friend of his, Tara, for her birthday celebrations. We ended up not spending much time with her crowd, preferring to drink in front of the TV watching Monty and Harmison put the aussies to the sword.

From there we went back to Miller's for his flatmates birthday party. This was a bit quiet so we went off in to town. I was a spent force by about 1am and ducked off home. Poor show really.

On Saturday Jo helped me put up the dartboard in my room, which is looking fantastic. Then in the evening it was her sister's birthday meal in Takapuna. We went to Ghengis Khan's - a Mongolian bbq buffet restaurant. What a great place - you grab a bowl, fill it with whatever raw meat you like, add some veges, sauces and oils then pass it to the chef who cooks it on a hot plate. When it's done you pile the plate high with noodles/rice/chips/garlic bread and tuck in. Quality.

Actually, replace those /s with &s to get a more accurate description of my plate.

We then came back to the city and went to a couple of bars in the viaduct where Jo was the latest pupil in my school of dance. She's one of my most successful pupils to date too. I will stick Mike's example of how not to do it on youtube so check my videos on there soon.

Yesterday was spent watching the cricket. Pretty fascinating test this one, and it threatened to go all the way until those 2 late wickets yesterday.

Final thought number 1: I watched Teenwolf yesterday for the first time in about 20 years. I was excited to see it was on but it turns out that was misplaced excitement. That film is rubbish. RUBBISH.

Final thought number 2: Happy birthday to Si. Pictures to follow later when I find some suitably humiliating ones on my laptop.


Anonymous said...

Happy birthday SI you old man

Dancing Queen said...

Happy Birthday to Si,
Happy Birthday to Si,
You look like a MONKEY and you
act like one too :o)

Wooohoooo only nine years to go!

Anonymous said...

Bozzley, you're such a potty mouth!

Anonymous said...

are you sure it wasnt teen wolf 2 you watched? i enjoyed teen wolf when i saw it as an adult. whereas teen wolf 2 i thought was terrible even as a boy.

but dangermouse, now dangermouse was sooperdooper as a boy but awfully poor as an adulthood. the plots just go nowhere and then they finish. rubbish.

Owen said...

Boz's comment has been amended.

To think, he's a parent too.

Nope, it was Teenwolf I saw and it was bad. Dangermouse I thought was good when I saw it when I was all growed up. There are quite a few gags in it for the olds.

Anonymous said...

i think i may have tourrettes, i cant remember swearing at all.

we shall have to agree to disagree on this one old chum, maybe i can find some kind of median with a nostalgic look back at ivor the engine. it works no matter of age. magical.

Owen said...

Ivor the Engine - yep, agreed, lovely stuff.

Kids today are really missing out with their diet of mighty dino power funbag girls and the new star wars films.

It was so much better back in the day. Now where's my 80s tv programme quiz spreadsheet?...