Monday, February 11, 2008

I don't like cricket, I LOVE IT...

I suggested a romantic weekend break in Wellington to Jo and she was very keen. By some coincidence England's first One Day International against NZ was being played there on the Saturday. It would have been silly not to go see it. Especially when Radio Sport were giving away pairs of free tickets for any talkback callers. CLICK HERE to hear what I had to say this time (about 6 mins in again and isn't very exciting I'm afraid).

We decided to be even more thrifty and make a road trip of it rather than fly, so we set off early Friday morning to make the journey down the length of the North Island.

We stopped first just shy of Taupo, at a place called Huka Falls...

Where the incredibly fast flowing water of the Waikato River was making it's way back to our taps in Auckland. We then went into Taupo itself and had lunch on the beach of Lake Taupo.

From there we headed on south and arrived in Wellington about 9 hours after we left Auckland.

I like Wellington, it's a more down to earth city than Auckland with a much broader spectrum of bars, restaurants and theatres on offer. It is very hilly and the weather isn't all that great which would probably put me off living there. It is still the only other place in New Zealand I would consider living though at this stage.

On the morning of the game we took the cable car up to the observatory and walked back down to the city through the Botanical Gardens before making our way to the stadium...labeled the Cake Tin. I was a bit worried about the gathering clouds but I really should have worried more about England making a half decent game of it. They didn't.

The ground wasn't anywhere near as full as Eden Park, or as vocal. But it was a good day.

By the way, the DJ at the ground confirmed what I knew already, if you want to get a kiwi crowd singing then you have 2 options...

Kenny Rogers', The Gambler works pretty well,

But nowhere near as well as The Exponents...

Heyesie (c. 1995) lookalike anyone?

Kiwis everywhere go mental for this song...guaranteed!


Anonymous said...

I cannae hear the sound in my office but he looks more like Dunc than Pete to me. Bloody greasy kebab merchant.

How much is this cricket lark to get in then?

Owen said...

James, thanks for the comments. My first in about 3 months. I was starting to feel unloved. In answer to all your questions...

You can download the audio file, play it and skip to 6 minutes in. It's not even 1mg so should take your Chinee wondercomp less than a nano second.

The costumes had no rear stainage and didn't require too much effort to make. We were concerned about how to get authentic blood stains so we asked the lady behind the counter what would be best. She looked at us like we were a pair of flippin gibbons and said "fake blood". All that was missing was the "well, derrr".

Finally, it only costs 30 bucks to get in, which is about 12 quid, 16 euros, 24 USD or 10000 Chinese carbon credits. A bargain.