Monday, April 23, 2007

Green Acres...

Nope, Dave isn't writing an ecological column for Insite. For those who don't already know, I have purchased a Green Acres gardening franchise.

Here is my ute all nicely sign-written and being used like a ute should be...

Owning my own business has been my goal for quite a long time and having spent not too far off a decade in the office environment it wasn't a difficult decision to move outside to earn a living. I've been in the country for over a year now, so the timing was right.

I had my first day of training out on the lawns today and start out for real on my own on May 7th. Exciting times. Early to bed tonight - I'm knackered.

Here's my equipment (Testerossa and Victa mowers, a blower, line trimmer, weed sprayer and a variety of bits and bobs) all securely stored in my own rented unit...

I'm such a grown up.

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