Monday, December 24, 2007

UK Trip - post 3 AKA The Stag Do...

What happens on the stag do, stays on the stag do is usually the unwritten rule when it comes to these events. But this time, rather than using it to mask any disgraceful antics, it's an excuse to keep this post brief (I can hear the collective sighs from here).

It was a fantastic weekend, so big thanks to best man James for organising it and to the stag, Andy, for getting married so my Donny Boy reunion was such a memorable one.

Friday night was a fairly straightforward one, beers in a few York pubs, being joined by revellers as they turned up from various parts of the country, ending in the Stone Roses bar which does exactly what it says on the tin. Here is group shot number 1...

It was a pretty heavy night and fortunately the York roads were wide enough to accommodate the side-to-side staggering (no pun intended) of the groom as we made our way home.

Day two started with a production line of bacon sandwiches and mugs of tea before we headed off to the sports hall for 2 hours of indoor football. Heyesie's team were clear winners, suffering their one and only defeat in their last game against us thanks to Joe's clever recording of the result on the whiteboard. A thrilling warm down peno comp was won by Jon Cope with some German-esque finishing.

After a quick(ish) turnaround we surprised Andy with the group blazers, then surprised him further when James presented him with his. Sadly the batteries were faultering on my camera at this point so I only have the one shot of the blazer squad...

James had organised a ghost walk which led us through the winding streets of York to a few pubs several centuries old via the occasional gruesome tale. After that, the indie club where Boz, on day release from Hogwarts, came into his own...

I really should stop promising these posts are going to be brief.

Finally, Happy Christmas one and all...

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