Monday, March 03, 2008

Hey now, hey now, don't dream. It's over...

Today was the day of the big draw and STINK I didn't win. They drew someone out from Christchurch then rang him and he didn't answer. Unlucky. They drew it again and although it was a bit closer (south Auckland) it wasn't close enough and the lucky winner will be off to his chosen event... the Monte Carlo Grand Prix in May.

Jammy bastard. Looks like I'm going to have to pay for my own trip back to the UK. See you all in 2015.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


Two good things though-
1) the guy's made the radio station pay through the nose by picking a hotel in Monte Carlo,
b) he'll probably have a crap time because that town is full of snooty people who don't like it when you fart in their lift

p.s. Local smeg