Wednesday, September 13, 2006

The weekend

Ah, it's been a while. Not sure if I'll be my usual witty self.

So what did I get up to this weekend? Well, Friday was fairly quiet. Me and Rob got a few beers in and took it easy in front of the box.

Saturday was a big one. Originally, I was supposed to be going to Whips'n'Spurs at Ellerslie Races. A day long event where people eat, drink, gamble etc. Now it turns out that it's also a massive singles event pretty much.

I had better things to do though - it was the end of season football awards night for our Sunday League team. Me and Rob got a thanks in the speach for, well, for turning up really. It was a really good laugh though and the first time we'd had a few beers with the rest of the team.

When back in work on Monday, Hamish (who'd been to the races) sent me a couple of emails which suggested going to the footie was a bad idea. One was about a champagne breakfast he and Will had attended where they were the only blokes and the girls were all single. And the other was a picture of Will, some woman who runs the country (Prime Minister Helen Clark) and Hamish...


Hotstuff said...

Don't worry OG. The level of wit is up there with previous posts.

Smaje said...

What kind of iddy-biddy tin-pot country lets ordinary joes like those two get so close to their leader??! Proles in this mighty country would never be allowed so close to Blair for fear of him being attacked (on account of being a hypocritical war-mongering, socialism-betraying, Bush-sycophantic, spin-doctoring, middle-class smarmy to$$er, or something).

Owen said...

I would have had her covered in purple powder as fast as you could say "batman's on the roof".

In response to an earlier comment hidden miles away down the board, Breeny - I'm firmly of the belief that hitting the post isn't bad luck, it's just not an accurate enough shot.

Anonymous said...

Here's a question for your quiz master:

'Where is it that no-one ever wants to get to, yet everyone rushes to get there?'

I have been pondering this for a while. (Actually I made it up so know the answer but have been pondering the follow on question 'Why?')

Did I ever tell you about that awful quiz question I got right and was unveiled as a pervert in front of the whole pub?

I have just realised that I am one post out of synch. Oh well.

P.S. If you haven't guessed I am bored at the moment as it is a Friday night at 5:50 and I am in the office.

Owen said...

Acres, I mean, bored/bald scouse git - the only possibly answer to that question is work. There is no answer to the "why?" question and it doesn't pay to think about it too much...far too depressing.

I think I know the question you're referring to. Something George Michael related I believe?

Looking forward to tales of Lunt from his visit to the family home...