Saturday, March 04, 2006

I miss going t'latics...

Last Saturday I got my first taste of live New Zealand football or "soccer" (as the freaks sometimes call it over here) as Auckland City took on Otago Utd.

Alas, there were no back flicks or overhead volleys, just a standard just slightly above Kaye FC. It's amazing to think that the winner of this league is only a few qualifying games away from the World Club Championship.

Great little ground though (definitely more impressive than Milton Keynes) and Auckland even have their own little band of singing supporters - who must be ex-pats desperate to recreate the terraces back in England. To be frank, they sounded rubbish and didn't do much good as the Terry Phelan managed Otago won 1-0.


mrCreegan said...

you didn't tell us you lived on Romsay street.

mrCreegan said...

sorry...Ramsay street.

Owen said...

We have some fantastic cricket games with the one-footed bloke from a few doors down.