Wednesday, March 22, 2006

We're 4 again...

Kat has returned home from her month-long Asian shopping trip (buying jewellry for her business), so the house is back up to full compliment. I will now get a house photo taken of us and post it up on here so you can all see the kind of freaks I live with.

One other thing - WHERE ARE THE COMMENTS???? I'm blogging my guts out for you people (sort of) and there only seems to be Lunt and occasionally a few others who ever say anything. It's time to name and shame...

Donny - there aren't any real regulars (except James), and some of you haven't commented once (Groome/Heyes). I feel hurt.

WW - Caz, Acres, Bradbury (although I'd no doubt be deleting anything he'd put up), Tranter - where are you lot?

Actually, I've just had a thought...maybe the reason there are hardly any comments is that no one actually reads this site.

Naaaah, that can't be true - it's chuffin' brilliant.


Hotstuff said...

Someone sign my site as well.

OG - It's just come to me. We can sign is as other people and pretend to be popular.

See the comment below, for example.

I expect you to furnish my site with comments forthwith.

Anonymous said...

Lunt - You're site is much better than OG's, which is embarrassingly poor. Also, well done to your team Liverpool last night who reinforced their position as the best team in the North West with a commanding 7-0 win and sparkling performance. Even a Manc fan like me must bow down to the superiority of the Pool.

mrCreegan said...

I do read it but it's bollox. I will comment like mad if you show some kiwi ladies in short skirts.

Owen said...

You know very well I'm on a suspended sentence for taking pictures of unsuspecting ladies in short skirts.

Anonymous said...

ok ok a comment especially for you garts. not sure what to say exactly, but my mp3 player is on shuffle and its just put on

steve last year come very near
to winning the snooker crown
but he never got to put it on his ginger nut
'cos the black ball wouldn't go down
his manager 'n all said ".... that ball"
but it helped him make his mind apppppp
now he don't care who wins this year 'cos he's got the rest of us signed up

snooker loopy nuts are we
me and him and them and me
we'll show you what we can do
with a load of balls and a snooker cue

pot the reds and screw back
for the yellow, green, brown, blue, pink and black
snooker loopy nuts are we
we're all snooker loopy

or, to say the last two lines properly

"snookah loopy nats are we
we're all snookah (bend knees, pull braces, lift hat) looooooopy"

i think the further bradbury stays away from this blog the better. city have a home game next season and he's left early to get to it in time.

oooooh and now some jackie wilson. i will leave you at this juncture.

Anonymous said...

oh... and your other comment about st patricks day

what a ------ joke. no offence to any genuine irish people reading this, but st patricks day (or specifically the plethora of englisher-than-thou crew who claim irish ancestry one day a year) really gets on my tits.

lost count of the amusing guiness hats i saw out and about in manchester on friday. had to put up with a guy at a cash machine telling me "i should get to waxy o'connors because, bejaysus, the craic is [insert some mumbled gaelic word here... thinking about it, it may not have been gaelic, but 'bladdered']". what a fecking eedjit.

right, and you know how out of character this is for me to say (given i'm welsh but not really all for over-the-top patriotism or little ingurlander-ness and am certainly against the dubious connotations of the union jack and anything in the name of st george - "no surrender...", BNP, St George was born in the lebanon how he got here i don't know, etc.), but where are these clowns on st george's day? (or for that matter st davids or st andrew's day?).

i think its all a bit patronising to see people about as irish as dick van dyke is cockney wearing green rugby shirts and forcing down guiness and saying things like "yeah, but its not as good as it in dublin". its ridiculous.

oh aye, ditto valentines day. no particular reason, you understand...

Anonymous said...

I don't get it... we go over to your side of the world and claim to be so proud of being a kiwi, then you get these stupid ar&e holes who when they come back to NZ claim to be 1/10 Irish (only on St Pat's day mind). Best response.... well feck off back to Ireland you stupid try hard bleep bleep bleep bleep.

Anonymous said...

Just admit in Gartside - you've got no friends anymore!!

Owen said...

Not leaving your name eh? Very brave Mr or Mrs anonymous. Maybe just as well given your poor grasp of written English.

In fact, I would put my money on it being Daniels if I didn't think he'd be too busy putting together his application for young IAS champion of the year.