Sunday, April 09, 2006

OhMyGod OhMyGod OhMyGod OhMyGod OhMyGod

Artcic....Monkeys.....St James Theatre.....Auckland......Friday July 28th......

Actually, I'm curious - how is this band doing over in England? I'd guess that they're being played constantly on radio and tv and in the papers all the time. So, pretty soon, everyone will be sick of them and have moved on to gossip about the winner of Celebrity Shower Karaoke.

As far as I'm concerned some catchy tunes and fantastic lyrics. Best album I've heard in ages.


alicerachel said...

I tried to get tickets for Arctic Monkeys playing in Paris a few weeks ago - I failed and they sold out in about 10 minutes... No justice in the world - there's no way those damn frogs could ever appreciate the cultural significance of the lyrics to the same level as a bona-fide former Sheffielder (ish) like myself. They should vet people for worthiness before selling the tickets if you ask me. So I can confirm that the hype has spread to France, as well as everywhere else apparently.

alicerachel said...

PS My 3rd blog entry just published! Blogging is the new revising.

Owen said...

So you didn't get tickets? But I did? I think Nelson Muntz says it best....ahh-ha.

Yep, karma will see to it that I accidently set my tickets on fire 5 minutes after the gig sells out.