Sunday, December 24, 2006

Happy Christmas

Although everyone will be busy enjoying the festive season rather than reading this, here's wishing you a very merry holiday season full of booze and food.

And may santa bring you lots of exciting stuff and all that business.

As for me, well soon I'm off to the Kidd's for Christmas, then I fly out to Melbourne on Boxing Day. I'll be at the cricket on days 3 and 4 of the test so look out for me and Si in the 100,000 strong crowd.

On the 30th I fly to Sydney to spend New Years with my old uni mate, little fighter - Chris Larkin and his missus.

Then it's off up to Brisbane to spend a boozy weekend with Rich (who lives there now) and Dunc who'll be stopping off on his Bouff World Tour.

My adventures don't end there though, I head back to Sydney to meet my mum who is over in this part of the world for 3 weeks. So I'll be taking her, and myself, on a tour of NZs best sites.

I should be able to update fairly regularly I hope so watch this space for plenty of boozy pics.

I'll leave you with the thought that there's always someone worse off than yourself. For example, the people who will be taking advantage of this sign I saw in the window of KFC...

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Anonymous said...

Merry xmas to you O.

See you in Brisbane.

alicerachel said...

I imagine the thought that the Test might be all over by day 4 didn't even cross your mind when you booked your Ashes tickets did it...
Why oh why oh why oh why?????

Hopefully you managed to find something productive to do in Melbourne nevertheless (throw stones at gloating Aussies, for example).

PS Merry Christmas!