Tuesday, February 07, 2006

Seoul...Part Two

It was a struggle to get up, but that we did at 2.45. We hadn't wasted the day yet fortunately and we got out pretty quickly to soak up some culture. First stop was the local chemist for hangover cures, then on to a Buddhist temple. Very interesting and weird, but enjoyable. And I felt like I'd live for another 10 years after drinking water from the holy pond (probably not its actual name).

Then we had a wander round Seoul. I thought James had a pretty good route planned as we managed to do and see quite a lot, but it turns out he was just looking for any photo place that would develop in 17 minutes. Still, it took us past a batting cage which made my day. You pop a million won coin into the slot, pick up the baseball bat and start swinging. I'm guessing they weren't 100mph curve balls but they certainly seemed like it, I did manage to connect with a few...one even went in the air, probably straight down mid-on's throat or whatever the baseball equivalent is. What a fantastic way to spend a few minutes.

James then professed to know where the world's greatest orange juice was available. Being the pedant that I am, I was sceptical as sure, it may be good, but how can you say it's the best? The proof is in the drinking though so we went to get some. Well, it pains me to admit it, but James was right. There is no way any orange juice on the planet can beat that. Pure liquid gold.

James 1-0 Owen.

Enough of all this cultural rubbish, lets get on with the night out. We met up with Stuart, a friend of James' and coincidentally another Doncastrian. We went for eats at a tuna restaurant where they serve you slices of raw tuna and various sundries until you either burst and die or walk out. Delicious. Marshall, a Canadian, met up with us after and we went on to the hole in the wall bar where we shared a bottle of vodka. Enough for the night??? Not at all, we met up with another crowd celebrating a birthday and shared another bottle. Enough??? You'd think so, but I'm pretty sure when we went to the club there was more drinking done there. Another great night out and really good to meet another group all of whom seem to share the same drinking stamina (see what I mean about this city?!). James called time on the night at 4am - his Saturday curfew for reasons explained later...

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