Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Ah, that's racist. Which I hate...

The quiz last night wasn't a great success. There was no sport round for starters and we failed dismally in the guessing albums from their covers round. It was fun nonetheless, with the possible exception of the following question:

The derogatory terms greaseball, ginzo, wop and dago are all associated with people from which country?

Half of my blood was boiling.


Anonymous said...

thats got to be the best pub quiz question of all time.

what was your answer?

Owen said...

Italy. My ancestral home.

Didn't Will Smith sing that?

PT said...

Dear oh dear. And to think they missed out SpaghettiDick* too.

*My thanks to Carlito's Way for sourcing that gem. I knew it would come in handy one day.

Owen said...

Cheers PT, you've just reminded me - Carlito's Way, Casino and Scarface are on sale for $30 (10 quid) for the 3 dvd box set.

Speaking of dvds I saw the League of Gentlemen box set (series 1, 2, 3 + Christmas special) for $120. You do the math.

Smaje said...

Just saw the LoG film for the first time - hugely disappointed; I thought it was crap. I loved the TV series in the old days, but not sure whether it bears repeated viewing?

That Aye-tye* trio sounds good value.

*too obvious for the quiz. They also forgot 'Meatball'. Disgraceful question. Bloody sheep-sh#ggers.

Owen said...

The film is worth watching just for Geoff Tipps' fantastic line...

"You my friend are f-u-k-t...." etc

In fact, just reading the few quotes on IMDB makes me want to see it again even though it wasn't great.