Monday, October 23, 2006

A double century...

This is a big moment - my 200th post. I'd love to be able to put an exciting bit of news, or some insightful piece of social commentary but why break from tradition - I'm going to tell you about my weekend.

It is currently noon on Monday. I'm writing this from home as it's a bank holiday here, although you'd be forgiven for thinking I was just messing around on the internet in the office. The weather is pretty bad so there's not much to do other than watch a lot of sport and keep my faithful readers updated on my exciting life.

So, Friday night...went out, got drunk. Me and Si ended up in town till the early hours (first bus back at 6.30am) which wasn't quite how this weekend was supposed to start - after last weekend's excesses I had planned a quiet one.

I managed to turf myself out of bed at nearly 3pm and struggled over to Dressmart in Onehunga to do some clothes shopping. I haven't bought anything new for ages and this didn't change. Couldn't find anything there worth buying at all - except a bacon sandwich.

Saturday night was the quiet one I'd envisaged - I stayed in and watched England's bog standard one day performance in the cricket. More on that later if I can be bothered.

Sunday was action day for me. Rob was away for the weekend and kindly offered to me the use of his car. I took full advantage of this and went on a bit of a mission. I drove the 2 and a half hours down south to the Bay of Plenty, more specifically...Mt Maunganui (read the link for interesting folklore regarding the hill). I spent a while hiking up it, choosing the difficult route, and was sweating like an Englishman on the 12 yard spot by the time I made it to the top. But it was worth it for the views even if the day was pretty overcast...

This is the view down on to Mt Maunganui beach. Can you make out the volleyball tournament going on?


Owen said...

Heard you the first time. Sounds great, totally without catches.

Where do I sign up?

Smaje said...

Hey, nice blog!!! I found a place where annoying ba$tards post spam to your comments page promising over $800 a month! Try it here:

PS - this could be the start of a new business idea, eh Garts?
PPS - Well done on your hike. Staying up all night getting drunk and not buying new clothes doesn't sound like you though - are you feeling out of sorts?

Owen said...

Hey don't knock it till you've tried it Smaje. All I have to do is click a few buttons every once in a while and I make $100 per day.

And by donating all of this to the leader's Binary Anti-Levitational Lightweight Spacecraft fund I'm guaranteed a seat on the first shuttle out of here when the earth spontaneously combusts.