Monday, October 02, 2006

The long weekend...

Quite a big weekend really...On Thursday Miller, Casey and I went along to a fund raiser quiz for Casey's softball team. We won on a tie-breaker and took home the $30 bar tab.

Friday was fairly quiet, no one was around except for me and Casey so we went out for few. We started in the Paddington just on the outskirts of the city centre. Casey recommended it as a popular Friday hotspot however when we arrived there were about 20 people in there. There was a party bus outside which soon loaded up and sped off leaving about 2 people. From the ridiculous to the sublime, we moved on to the Northern Steamship which was absolutely packed. This is a pretty new bar in town and was full of flash city types. Meh, it was ok I guess. But the Castle it weren't.

Saturday night was a bit of a big one. It was Shane's birthday (Leanne's brother) so after a few drinks round at Si and Leanne's place we went to Euro, where Shane is head chef, to meet up with him. Several high alcohol/low cost cocktails later and the night was in full swing. I had my camera in my pocket the whole time but didn't take one picture. What is up with me these days??


Owen said...

Nah, I'm pretty sure it's not that.

I think it's more to do with the atmosphere in most bars not really lending themselves to an idiot running round with a digital camera, taking pictures every few seconds of his mates dancing from various stupid angles.

But then again, was that even the case in England?

Anonymous said...

which ones smaje?? because im a smaje jus wondering ir im related

Smaje said...

Bizarre! I am the one and only Smaje. A bizarre Dutch surname that nobody else has ever heard of. Are you for real, or is this a wind-up? I come from Hull, UK. You?