Monday, October 23, 2006

What's that in the distance?

That may, or may not be White Island which is New Zealand's only active volcano. It had a bit of white smoke coming off it...

Actually, I've just checked the map and I'm fairly certain it isn't White Island. Wow - I'm going to make a great tour guide when my Mum comes to visit.

Pity the weather wasn't brilliant. For the eagle-eyed out there you may be able to spot the plane flying lower than I was standing. Now that was a thrilling moment...


Hotstuff said...

And so the England badge is replaced by Oldham's. Not bullish about your national team's prospects OG?

Owen said...

Lunt, the World Cup is over. Now I'm back to representing Shezza and the mighty boys in blue.

Anonymous said...

so have you picked up an accent yet garters?

Owen said...

Have I thump. I'm staying true to my donny roots, aye?


Anonymous said...

He's not saying sux bucks of fush and chups playse mate - yet, but he's definitely catching on to Chur Bro!

Hotstuff said...

Do they say "duck's nuts" over there? I went to Oz and heard of this phrase, which I understand is equivalent to our phrase the "dog's bollards". I repeated it after an Aussie said it and then a group of the natives circled, me and made me keep saying it and laughed loudly each time that I did.

They pronounce it 'DACKS NATS'.


Anonymous said...

Hey O
Next time you're skiing on Mt Ruapehu, remember that White Island isn't NZ's only active volcano.

Haven't heard the phrase ducks nuts being used in NZ, must be an aussie thing - would be hilarious to hear a northerner say it tho!

Owen said...

Leanne - thanks for the correction. I got that info from here but missed out an important word. It's NZ's only active MARINE volcano. Glad we got that cleared up.

Vick, I'm fighting the temptation to say aye at the end of every sentence, aye? What was I doing that reminded you of Ull? Was it when I mugged that granny? Or when I glassed that copper?

No, I bet it was when I launched that shopping trolley through Wang's Dry Cleaners window wasn't it?