Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Fishing for comments...

Comments have dried up so I'll do my usual desperate attempt to get some interest by throwing a few quiz questions out there from last night. Although seeing as most of the people who read this are thicker than me, I'm not expecting much.

Only Rob, Casey and myself went and I thought we did pretty well to end up joint 7th, a few points off the placings. Here's one that I got, one that Rob got and one that Casey got (do I ever get ones that aren't about films/sport/games/celebrity gossip etc??) ...

1. What 6 letter word is a northern English game which involves throwing rings on to a spike? (this has 2 possible answers)

2. Name one year in the life of this German philosopher...

3. What structure was built for the 1889 World Fair?

There was controversy again though - a question asked for the character name of Kevin Costner in Dances With Wolves. We put Dances With Wolves as that was the Sioux name given to him. Didn't get a point for it but this time we couldn't be bothered to complain. Mainly due to Miller not being there.


alicerachel said...

OK here goes (without cheating and therefore at the risk of looking very dim)...

1. Quoits
2. 1984? Aucune idee...
3. The Eiffel Tower

How'd I do Mr Quizmaster?

PS Suggesting that all your avid readers are thicker than you is not the usual way of getting more comments, but for sheer cheekiness I'm giving you the benefit of the doubt...

Anonymous said...

I'm bored already :o)

Hotstuff said...

I got one of three. Unless the game is called 'cock a hoop', which I doubt.

Oh dear. Maybe I am thick after all.

Anonymous said...

crystal palace

Owen said...

'cock a hoop' has more than 6 letters in it. Good effort though Lunt.

Between you you've got all 4 answers (hoopla/quoits, 1818-83, Eiffel Tower). Well done, a prize is on its way.

Except for anon. Who gets nothing for being lippy.

Anonymous said...

Do I get a box of fluffies for being lippy?

Owen said...

Nope, but you can have a box of flying saucers instead.