Friday, January 05, 2007

New Years Day...

An unusual New Years Day - on the beach.

The 5 of us got a bus over to Balmoral Bay armed with beach towels, a footie, a frisbie and terrible hangovers.

The weather wasn't great at first but we persisted, which turned out to be a great decision. The sun blazed down and we worked on our tans followed by a volleyball game of sorts in the sea (shark-net encircled bit obviously). Chris lost one game resulting in the first round that night being his, he then lost one resulting in tea making duties the next morning, Andy lost another meaning he was on toast duty and then I lost the final game between me and Chris. This resulted in him being crowned ultimate champion of the world and me walking away with nothing. Easy come, easy go.

Later on we showed off our frisbee skills. Or lack thereof. The losers in this instance was the little boy who got a face full of sand after it landed next to his head, nearly the little boy who's extravagant sandcastle development was almost levelled by a rogue throw and definitely the fat guy who got hit on not once, twice, but three occasions. He really should have moved.

Like the idiot I am I forgot my camera, so you'll have to take my word for it.

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